
Wednesday 1 May 2013


Hey guys... I'm just switching blogs to my Nerd Labs blog! Don't worry, I'm just gonna blog on that one so switch now. I'm not positing here. I'm not stopping blogging though!


Saturday 20 April 2013

Pewds TheSecond shouldn't be on YouTube.

Sorry for that blury image, but that's his profile picture.

So theres this scumbag on YouTube who is going around, doing barely any videos and hating on actually good youtubers because guess what, he's another seven year old who can't take criticizm without setting off WW3 between him vs ImGeekins fans (I'll explain why.) Normally I would say I'm sorry for being gone, blah blah but screw that, lets dive into hating this guy.

So you are wondering why he hates ImGeekins? Well forget I'm his 100th subscriber, but ImGeekins dosen't lie, and is right in saying this kid (Trust me, hes a kid, watch his latest video.) can't make a good YouTube channel out of copying a good and loved youtuber, Pewdiepie. But then, because hes's seven he made a video about ImGeekins.

But before I describe and outwit this idiot with logic, lets just discuss the video name. "ImGeekins suck it" Um... suck what? He has nothing to suck considering you have two subscribers and he has one hundred of them, each travelling to your videos to troll. So my friend, you can suck it. Which is why ImGeekins owned him with a response:

Forget the thumbnail because I'm sorry, thats how Pewds TheSecond looks I am afraid. And ImGeekins dosen't get paid so he has to choose some thumbnail. Yeah this is only a remix, but it's better than Pewds TheSecond's video -

As much as this unapealing image of PewdsTheSecond is, and would fit perfectly in a screamer video, I'm sorry but this is the actual video. Let the games begin as I start to outwit this absoloute, pompous indecent moron. The reason I'm not raging here is because, be mature, who would rant over some idiot who you've probably never heard of and will go down more hated than pspboy.

1) He says he can make good quality videos. Pfft, say that this this video of his that he recorded with a potato -

And where the hell is he, the Yogscast's hangout? His Robloxian looks like a drug dealer... terrible and unstylish. The classic Roblox noob looks better with glasses and ribbons.

2) He implys he can do anything. Oh shut up, it's a free country and all, but really, can anyone? Yes, but they pay the results of their actions. It's not ImGeekins fault you suck. You can't deal drugs, who the hell would get you them? You won't get yourself famous on YouTube, because - damn do I need to explain?

Also, see his recent history feed. Hating on every single damn video he gets his grubby hands on, and not taking any criticizm without being overly offended. I can take criticizm. And he also says he hates ImGeekins username, where I just say (sorry if you get offended)...

I thought doing it with video would just make it more easy to laugh at how pathetic this kid is. And I can take criticizm for my name, I don't care, here goes: I'm a nerd, I'm a lowlife and I don't have friends. These statments are entirley false but I'm trying to prove my point. Next thing about this kid is he says he makes good videos but dosen't upload them...

His argument is invalid.

Youtube is for uploading the content you make, not bragging about it. And hating others, going on and on whining is just dumb. Pewds TheSecond, I think I have had enough of you. Leave YouTube, and play something like Black Ops, the home of screaming seven year olds. Until then I will let Casey deal with you.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Simcity - PC Game Review

Lets build a city... a mad city.

Simcity came out a few months ago, and lets just say its as if Facebook got their city game and spent a million pounds/dollars on it. Seriously, this game, I just cannot describe how awesome it really, REALLY is. So let us review!

First of all, you choose where you want to build your city. Ignore the name as you can change that once you have built a Town Hall. But try and keep it away from other peoples cities, as you don't know if theres a ton of crime there that might invade your city.

Then, you can build whatever! Of course, you need some sort of exit and entrance to your city if you want anyone living there at all. You need to build roads and make the land inside them residental if you want houses there, or you can make it for shops, or schools or whatever.

You will need five essential things if you don't want your city going to crap. Police Station, Fire Station, Water, Power Station and Garbage Dump with an extension on so they can burn the garbage. Your town in real life may not have them, but your city (Durham, New York, etc) will.

Theres also crime you need to tend to. It gives a realistic feel that you do, but theres a downside as crime can arrive from other cities. Which ANNOYS ME SO MUCH! So build about three Police Stations to start with, but keep about one or two if theres low crime. Also, build The Maxis Manor if crime is over running your city, it will help you a ton. But whatever you do, never build a V-Tower, as it will increase crime 75%.

Theres also fires, which can be dealt with. Just build a bunch of Fire Stations and if theres a place where fires are common, feel free to bulldoze a few houses to build a Fire Station, it will really help. I mean, the moral doesn't go down if you bulldoze houses.

Oh, and the morale. I feel it's very realistic, but lacks to take away happiness. No, I'm not a killjoy, but it won't go down if theres a fire, somebody is murdered or robbed, etc. But it will go down for things like higher tax, and each house is happier than another. Some people, however, are so miserable they'll abandon their homes!

Also, theres Natural Disasters that occur. Meteor Strikes, Tornadoes, etc. These are unpredictable and can destroy anything. Best rebuild them destroyed buildings if this happens, as theres no way to know if they're coming or protect your City.

So yeah, Simcity is a really good game. Go buy it, you shan't regret, as most top blogs about games are rating it 9.5 out of ten! What do I rate it, all you ask? A bit fat, sloppy juicy ten out of ten. It really is amazing and should be on Steam already!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Top 8 Music Tracks From Video Games

Who says Video Game music has to suck?

Jesus, I forget to blog. And don't find the time sometimes, but I will keep blogging! Anyway, Video Games mostly have the best music ever. Why? Because they set the scene in the time they're being played, so they can be epic, dramatic or just plain cool. So here are my top eight. These are not in order from good to epic, just my favorites at random.

1) Skyrim - Menu Theme

Yeah, Skyrim! But this music is amazing. It just makes you feel like you want to play Skyrim and sets you into the fantasy scene. And when it gets to the chorus, you will be humming it like mad. Its so cool fans even make 8-bit and rock remixes!

2) Doom Theme - SNES

Doom's theme is just so... cool. I'm talking about the SNES version, idiot, not the Genesis because the Genesis version really just plain sucks. Sucks more than Justin Beiber! (Crazy fans, calm down and read my rant on him, it explains everything.)

3) Ghosts and Goblins - First Stage Theme

Hard as this beast of a game it is, it was made by no other than Capcom, which means great music and even though hard, good gameplay. But the music for this game, just like the gameplay is, is intense.

4) Bully Scholarship - Final Showdown

If you read my blog regularly, you know I am a mad Bully Scholarship Edition addict so I couldn't leave out a track from it. Yeah, I wont just slap something in because I like the game,but this music was perfect for fighting Gary.

5) Bully Scolarship - Showdown At The Plant

Yet ANOTHER Bully soundtrack. Because Bully is home to great music I remembered this one, when you're fighting Edgar, The Townies leader. I mean, this music is great for fighting a crazy guy with a huge lead pipe over radioactive goo.

6) Castle Crashers - Necromancer Theme

RealFaction makes amazing music for games. But this is his best work, its intense, cool and just addictive. Strangley, the poor makers RealFaction and PeircingLazor don't get any fame, so sub to them and show they deserve it!

7) Halo 2 - Main Theme

Back in the early days, when there were no Xbox 360's and only the First Original Xbox, just simply titled: Xbox, Halo 2 was all the rage. It was the amazing sequal to the FPS action Sci-Fi game, Halo, and the music was amazing!

8) Assasians Creed 3 - Main Theme

Assasian creed this, Assasian creed that. Heck, this game has tons of itself in a series and tons of fans, but atleast it got Tomahawks! Anyway, theme theme song for the third one is nuts. And I mean that in a good way.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Team Awesome - Android App Review

Good Game, or is it?

So, yeah, haven't been writing in a while because I nearly have got to The Necromancer Boss on Castle Crashers, and we all know how epic THAT is. So anyway, I was messing around on my tablet when I remembred my blog, and since this app has been voted the best free app by The Daily Mail I am going to review it.

So the story is these two guys were in a bathroom when a giant crystal fell on one, giving him evil powers while the other one fell down the toilet, also giving him evil powers. Yeah, sounds childish, but it is a Kids App. We all know how annoying kids are.

So then the game starts, and apparently you are this superhero named... ? The game dosen't tell you, no backstory on this guy. But since kids are dumb then you can expect they think kids are just gonna go like "Duh Huh, superheroes! Wow!" Anyway, you have to destroy some robots and collect coins, and crystals.

But you know the crystals? Three things. First, if you don't collect them a meter ticks down, and when empty you randomly blow up. No story to this. Secondly, if your colour blind and think red is blue and blue is red, you are instantly screwed. If you don't look carefully, you run into a red one which drains your health!

Lastly, the name bugs me. "Awesomeranium Crystals." What, is that where they mine the ingredients for meth? Anyway, they seriously stick that word awesome in everything. The title, powerups, narration, mission breifing, everything!

And speaking of that... the narration makes me want to brake the screen. It literally dosen't have one quote which dosen't have the word "awesome" in it. This annoys the living crap out of me, and here is some of the quotes. Also, some of them don't even make sense.
  • I like mine with a dose of awesome!
  • Awesome!
  • That was half Awesome!
  • Not good, but awesome!
Sounds nice to be complimented, but eventually it will make you rip your hair off. How would you like it, playing a game and the narration wouldn't shut up? It even just says that at random in the middle of the game to put you off. Yes kids, this is one of them apps that think people under eighteen say "Rad, cool, awesome, Radical, nice, werd up, etc." And just because you name a game with the word awesome in it dosen't mean you can infuriate me by saying it 24/7!!!

Atleast you get to knock over mr.fullofhimself when hes posing at the end of each level. And you get one coin for everytime you do, so what is this, some way to control peoples anger as the makers are not responsible for cracked, punched screens?

And the bosses...  man the suck. All of them are the same as the last - dodge their crystals, grab an Awesomeranium Crystal, then jump to attack. It never changes. The boss attack patterns are boring and will make  you go to sleep after two minutes. Yeah, Castle Crasher's bosses were with repeated attack patterns, but atleast they were un-predictable! This game, you can predict it right after the second damn boss!

And the lines the bosses say... man they make me mad. They are even more annoying than the narration, that is saying something. They always teach a stupid moral to kids, like "Brush after every meal!" and, "Flossing time!" Which proves the developers think kids are iresponsible.

Okay... finally, the enemies. Not strategies for fighting these, just run into them... boring as hell, right? There, I am done. No wonder it's free, it sucks! Now, there are the rare speicies of Clever-mon-kidatum (The Latin scientific word for smart kids), like me, and if your one of them I salute you.

But then theres the chubby dumbos who smoke Heroine all day, around a demonic Pillagrim playing this crap. If you are one of them, enjoy your sentence in hell.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Things I hate about Youtube

Google, stop ruining everything...

Okay, I think it was last year. But I know that I hate Google now, and will never use it again, since they bought YouTube and ruined it. And it's not just the site that sucks now, but also the damn community! Sheesh, just read.

Dumb nerds who think they're cool

I mean just watch that. Its some weird ugly guy in front of a camera, takes only 20 seconds to say I'm cool... for... I don't know what the hell he said, but to my understanding I think he said he's cool because he eats raisins. What? And then he just plays a crappy tune from the mid 90's and dances horribly. Then he gets close the camera playing rap music like an idiot, the proceeds to-well, eat the camera (Get really close and gets annoyingly sassy about his raisins). This video sums up about 75% of what is on YouTube today.

Weird Kids doing covers for songs

Yes, everyone knows this weird little kid with glasses, who prances around his bedroom thinking hes cool when he looks like a dork, and somehow became famous. His lip sinking is terribly off and.... I can't explain how crap it is.

Crap done by kids that has terrible acting and makes me want to punch my screen

What the hell is this... it is some cheap sound fx of some fat woman laughing, terrible narration saying hes a weird kid and then, my dear god, he just puts some high school dork in front of the camera who looks like a nerd... and he just hisses repeatedly. I can't really say how much I want to tie him up by his pony tail, hang him off my fan and use him as a punching bag.

This. Enough said.

Uh... I cant stand it.

Boring kids who blog about dumb stuff

This is just a fat ugly kid talking about why he likes Yankee Candles. Tell me, YouTube is supposed to be for entertainment, but every since Google trashed it these type of videos have been everywhere. I know I keep going on about kids, but this is just dumb and is pretty much what YouTube is coming to.

Kids who are about seven and think they're cool

The thumbnail gave me brain damage. This is just one of them videos, where somebody who has any talent leaves their camera out, their little brother gets it and this happens. It is just some weird seven year old with the music "Hands up" by Kesha repeated, replayed and disorintated, with some weird pictures of this kid pulling the weirdest of faces and trying on stupid clothes and stuff, and eventually you scream and flag the video. But, if this video gets deleted it's here, so watch it.

The new layout

This is for the user pages too. Yes, the new design makes me wanna puke. It looks terrible, and the new user layout makes it hard to find information about the user, forces them to make channel art for their banner and it is almost impossible to find their videos. But screw you YouTube, I am keeping the old layout for eternity!

Spam comments

"Hey get a new Ipod!" "Win £500!" You know what I mean. These dumb comments obviously are by spambots, and get the top comment because other spambots have thumbed it up. So, this means if you're watching a video and want to see if its good, all you'll see is some crap about winning five million euros.

Fix it, Google. Because me and half the internet would like to say a big...


Tuesday 26 March 2013

Ever Wanted To Make A Webpage Do The Harlem Shake?

Do the Webpage Shake!

So you ever wanted to make any Webpage do The Harlem Shake? Or you probably have not the creative mind. But all the buttons (things you can click) on any webpage will now do The Harlem Shake thanks to this cool little site called:!!!

So basically you enter any website URL and then, when it's on that page, the clickable button which is nearest to the top left will start shaking left and right while Harlem Shake plays. Then, eventually, the whole screen's clickable buttons will start shaking in anyway and then cover the screen up when the song ends. This is so cool.

But, the downsides to this epic website is damn THREE things. The second one is actually kinda smart, so it's not that annoying the first few times you try it. But afterwards it just becomes annoying and you want to punch your computer so hard your fist goes through it.

First, it can't access any URL you have to be logged in on that site to view. For example, if you tried to Harlem Shake a user page on Facebook, Timeline or not, it wont work. If you try this it will only shake the login screen. So I guess it was trying to prevent tracking cookies, I dunno.

Second, you cant Harlem Shake itself, because if you do, an image like THIS pops up (Don't be afraid to look, it's not a scary one, I hate them so why would I be a jerk like that?):

Or... maybe this:

So basically these images are parodying Memes, and these aren't all of them. There is a goddamn TON of images laughing at you and making you look like a twit.

Third, if it's one of them crappy cheap sites with ridiclious names, You know, a tiny little square with links to random places, and at the top a completely unrelated wide picture (like if its about weight-loss it'll be a school classroom) it won't work, just play the song. 

But this is such a cool little website to play about on. So go check it out, and like I said it wont do them sites that suck or whatever. But how dare it if it does with Googlehammer and!

But googlehammer... god I just cant talk about that. Anyway heres link again:

Monday 25 March 2013

Bully Scholarship: How to get shop owner to fight

Fat Nerd VS Jimmy... BEGIN!

I'm back to my general writing everyday. But I realized that since I finished Bully on Monday, I haven't wrote any Bully posts for a while. So here, guys, is how to make the clerk in Dragons Wing fight you without getting thrown out or anything.

First of all, you need to complete Chapter 1 to get access into Town, and then complete the Nerd Challenge to go behind the counter. Then grapple the Clerk, and just stand there until he pulls you off of him. Then he will chase you but no music will play. 

Go down to where the nerds are. You may be able to use them as shields to avoid a few punches. Don't harm him yourself, though. Eventually the nerds will have knocked him out.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Castle Crashers - PC Game Review

Im back! Now lets raid some Castles....

I am back guys! Sorry about being gone, I was HELLBENT on Homework and stuff. We also had to do Sats. But anyway, time to review an awesome, hack and slash, 4-players Indie game called Castle Crashers. You can buy it on Steam for £9.99, but don't be fooled, even though its cheap dosen't mean its no good.

So basically apart from being cool, its also funny. Theres minigames that everyone knows, like PVP (Player vs Player), but then theres some creative ones like "All you can quaff" where your knight races the others to stuff his face with food. This is fun, and very creative!

Aside from minigames, it gives you the control over the game by letting you attach a controler. This is a GOOD thing. Ever played a game where you feel theres no control over your character? Well, Castle Crashers got it right. So basically the story is your knight (or knights) are partying, when a guard drops dead down the stairs. You and the grey knights (The Grey ones will help, but sometimes you will have to save them) go to see what the problem is, and find that Barbarians have gained entrance to the castle! But then the Evil Wizard steals some sort of giant crystal from the king, and he sends you to fight them.

Its pretty easy when you have more than one player, but with only one it can be challenging. I think you can pick up other AI knights later through the game, but that isn't for a while. The first boss, though, is hard as hell! First its this trojan horse ramming you over and over with metorites striking the ground, and barbarian soldiers coming after you! Trust me, if you pass the Trojan Horse part on Singleplayer, you don't have a chance when the huge troll appears. My advice? Multiplayer.

Castle Crashers is good, just if you don't pick multiplayer you are screwed. If you only have the Demo, and can't play multiplayer, pick the Red Knight and hope you'll win. Thats your only chance, because the Red Knight has a mace.

Like every good game, Castle Crashers has Bosses. Some hard, some easy, but my favorite is the Necromancer Boss. Its cool, well thought of and damn fun to play. Also, he flies around with wings and one hell of a sword reviving enimies, so it has its challenging side as well. At the end you destroy his Crystal or whatever, then you win. But once again, this is only possible to win in Multiplayer or if your lucky with the Red Knight. This is a good Boss, and makes you feel that when you die its YOUR fault, not the games.

Castle Crashers is a good game, just very hard. My three parts of advice are Play Multiplayer, pick the Red Knight, and use the Controller Extension. So that ends the Review, if you don't have Castle Crashers, GO BUY IT. NOW.

You still here? Go, buy it! Its cheap!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Justin Beiber is a moron

And I have proof!

Oh for god sake, hold back the freaking stupid fandom comments. Yes, you may like him but hey, get lost if you do! And now haters like me can say it with proof. Go on youtube and just search - theres thousands of videos of him being a moron.

First of all he threatened a camera man. Yes, he did. So he was in a rush getting out of the studio and went past the paparazzi, fair enough. But then when a cameraman got the TINIEST bit annoyed at him he jumped out of his snobby van and went hulk on him. Camera man, just beat the crap out of him.

Second he left his freaking fans waiting 2 hours. Yes, I'm no fan but its dumb to do that. Most fans cried, booed, and screamed because they had to go home. Also this is what happened:  He awoke late, played video games and when asked to attend freaking low fame got to his fat head and he threw a tantrum saying it was his concert and he would show up when he liked. Yeah I'm no music artist myself, but if I was I wouldn't do that.

Third, isn't this bag of crap a supposed, "role model" for kids? And he was arrested for smoking drugs? Which lead fans to self harm? And suicide? Yeah, great role model. Lets teach kids to do drugs and smoke! YEAH! So inspirational! My god... 

Fourth, he slapped a fan. Yes, and he was arrested again for THAT. Okay, so this guy is classified as a great role model who smokes, does drugs, abuses fans and gets arrested? Yeah... I can't even comment on that stupidity. And the fan was seven. All she did was ask for an autograph. My god hes a faggot.

Fifth he throws tantrums. Yes, hes 17 and throws 7 year old tantrums. So its safe to say hes a man child. He threw things about once because he couldn't record that minute. And hes such a git. Really, why do fans like a now proven drug addict, smoking abusing tantrum throwing moron? Hmm... the worlds sense fascinates me.

Sixth, this guy is full of himself. He also lets fame go to his head. He once yelled at somebody saying hes famous, popular and he'd like to see them do better. Well Justin, welcome to the 21st Century. Where people aren't judged by what they can do. Faggot.

Seventh, he is horrible! Once he was driving and a little girl was in front of his car, and he got out, yelled at her, smashed her lolipop and tore her notebook. And she cried. He got let off, and the mother who slapped him got arrested and fined! The world.... what is it coming to?

Eighth, he fakes emotions for praise. Okay, so everybody has seen that water bottle video. He over acted and put on fake tears... next day, stupid people give "awwws" and "poor yous" on his facebook and twitter. What the hell?

Okay, so now the worlds famous idol is a smoking, drug taking, disappointing hot-headed man child weirdo?

Saturday 9 March 2013

I met a famous Minecrafter - KermitPlaysMC

You may not Know him, but...

Kermit was on one of Skydoesminecraft's episodes, so you may recognize him. He helped us build an epic place on Eternal Cracked the server, and I know most of you wont believe me. But! I have multiple Pictures, aha!

We also built a bunch of stuff on the plot so heres some pictures of that:

And here are the people that built with me:


Okay guys, It was really fun playing with this guy. He had a good sense of Humor, is nice, let us build anything and answered all our questions. So I highly reccomend checking out his Youtube channel. 

Friday 8 March 2013

Why to NEVER Kill Chickens In Skyrim

Fus Ro Dah!

The Elder Scrolls Series is an epic and memorable series of games, but the latest one in the series, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is amazing. Yet, there are some things you can do that can screw you over. So, one of them is killing a chicken. Heres some reasons why NOT to kill a chicken.

1) Oh, Riverwood...

Is... barbaric. Is... unforgiving. Is... like Spartans  You screw up one with these people and there wanting you dead on a cross then frozen by a spell, cursed forever. Seriously though, in that town, considering it is the town of your friend who helped you escape your beheading it would be civil like him. No, its a basic beginners trap! Because in that town Chickens are a sacred animal if you dare to just touch one, you have:

  • A crazy fat farmer with a pitchfork
  • If its late in the game, Whiterun Gaurds
  • A farmers wife with a dagger
  • Some other crazed Farmers and even a glitch where CHILDREN come after you
All coming after you, so much that either you'll be chased out of Riverwood by them or have to restart the game because you have crappy weapons and to the nearest city theres too many bandits.

2) Noobs are adventurous

In Skyrim, don't lie, you were a noob once. An adventurous noob worthy of only failure, and believed Skyrim was easy. You have seen videos of it, and such, and are ready to fight anyone, so you kill a chicken, somehow avoid bandits and theives, get to Whiterun and then say to fight you rather than go to jail. So then everybody hates you. I actually had to restart the game because Whiterun Gaurds are ambushing you. God, life is hard in Skyrim.

3) Crazy Chicken Preacher

You know at Whiterun where theres a guy who is yelling about things like a maniac in the fountain place near the Jarl's castle? Yeah. The one in the robe who is a lunatic. Him. If you kill a chicken he will always say the Gods have forsaken us all and the world is doomed over that chicken, and annoy you so much you kill him. That really, really is what happened to me.

4) The Chicken Breast Sucks

Seriously, you think you'll get anything out of the raw chicken? No. It doesn't refill much stamina and is useless. Plus, for just Chicken Breast it's one heavy lump of chicken. And no, you can't cook it like anything. Also it just reminds you of shame inside of your chest in your home.

5) Every Gaurd is out to get you

Yes. You can't escape the Gaurds faithful words: "Wait, I know you" until you're a thane. And even then sometimes they want to catch you. Either die, go in Jail or be fined, they will punish you and ruin your good experience in Skyrim. Seriously though, just say

"I don't have time for this; do you?"

And I was surprised that worked.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Bully Scholarship Q&A

Questions, questions...

Bully is, well, a confusing game. It has a nerd on a huge automatic spud guns shooting at you when you only have a puny slingshot trying to destroy a transformer! Yet, I passed that mission... Okay! I cheated! I admit, but if it's that hard and he still shoots you when your knocked out, wouldn't you? Anyway, here's some Q&A for Bully.

How do I get the Pirate Hat?

Finish Chapter 1 and go into town. Then find the beach near the lighthouse and swim in the sea there until you find a sandy island with trees and large rocks. Then you will find a Pirate near the back, and if you beat him in a fight you will obtain the Pirate Hat,

How do I beat Russell in Chapter one?

Use your chemistry set. Make a bunch of itching powder, stink bombs and firecrackers, aswell as optional eggs. This will be a huge advantage against him, so them and your slingshot are easy. Just run around away from him, throw firecrackers and stuff, shoot him with your slingshot and eventually you'll win.

How do I do a Prep Boxing Challenge?

It has to be after Chapter 2 and before the first mission of Chapter 5. After 7pm, if you go into the Boxing Place where the Preps are there will be an option next to the ring to start a Boxing Challenge. If you win you get $20.00!

How do I get the glitch where a girl is in The Boys Dorm?

It has to be winter and just after the mission, Christmas is Here. Then if you wait in The Boys Dorm eventually a girl will walk in. ARGH! GIRL! KILL IT!

How do I get Bif Taylor and Mis.Danvers to fight?

You have to Provoke Bif to chase you into the Head Masters office, but before you go in there make sure your trouble meter is empty. If he throws a punch, Mis.Danvers will try and grapple him, but he will refuse and this will infinite for a while. This works because Mis.Danvers has a different way of busting you by grappling you then busting you by holding your ear, but Bif Taylor is programmed so only Prefects can grapple him, not all Authority. It only lets Police and Prefects grapple him out of Authority.

How do I make people shuffle along?

Go into The Boys Dorm and into your room, then look out the door. Just when somebody appears, quickly throw something to provoke them to attack, and then the music will play for that clique attacking with the person shuffling along! Its like there dancing to Every Bullworth Day I'm shufflin!

How did you cheat at Stronghold Assault?

Well, it's easy to get past the Nerds before the Spud Cannon, just knock them out... no strategy for that. Then when you get to Earnest, go to the first Pillar you can hide behind on the right. Then stand back a bit. You can then shoot the Transformer in aiming mode but Earnest can't shoot you!

How can I make non-clique people fight me without running away?

Complete the first mission of Chapter 5, then everybody hates you. These non-clique people are mostly found inside the Boys Dorm, so go in there and greet them. They will then insult/shove/harass you, then if you punch them they will fight. This can also make little kids fight you rarely, and mostly it doesn't work, but by greeting them and then when a little kid yells at you walk back and insult them. They will walk over and shove you, then if you shove them and they don't flee, they will go into fighting mode and fight you.



Tuesday 5 March 2013

Mari0 - Mario from 1985 with Portal Guns!

NES 1985 Mario Bros + Portal = Awesome!

So, the classical NES game, Super Mario Bros, was epic. And it was actually half decent and fun, so for an NES game this was the bomb. Anyway, downloaded a flash version of Super Mario Bros from the 80's, and added Portal guns naming it Mari0. Mari0, not Mario. Imagine getting revenge on goombas on that famous 1-1 World level - with portals. It was amazing!

So once you download it with Win-RAR or whatever file opener you use, load it up - and you can do any level listed, even download some from online! So the ton there are Some DLS levels and the other ones being that first world of Mario, and a Portal map made by the creator. Isn't it amusing running around in Mario version portal with a portal gun, portal map, and portal blocks! So the 1-1 world is just like in the game but with a portal gun, and the Portal map is a bunch of test chambers like in Portal.

You can also play up to 4 players. Next thing is level editor, which is fun because of all the features it has like go down pipes, use Lazers, outsmart hammer bros with portals, create your own Mario portal maps, it goes on and on the list. Even wire Wi-Fi sort of stuff to make buttons activate things of your choice, which is epic because you wouldn't expect that.

Also you can, as I found out, even title and describe your levels, then if you know how publish them online and let people download them! Pretty cool, isn't it? So the DLS levels are I think, um, community made levels? No idea. But you can play them for yourself. So that's cool. I'll provide a download link at the end of this post.

Okay, you may not expect much from Mari0 because the download site looks basic and because it's free you think it might not have any fun in playing it, but that is just a lie. Mari0 is fun and creative, and I like how somebody actually downloaded the original game, added levels and portal stuff, then bam! Made it PC version. I'm thinking...

Possibly this could have a story to it, like a video game, and be sold as a game for Wii, DS, PS3 and Xbox 360 and Xbox Live? 

Picture of Portal Level:

Picture of other one:

Monday 4 March 2013

Top 5 Maps for Minecraft

Sheesh, I need to stop with so much Bully posts...

Okay, I am not going to write about Bully Scholarship Edition so much, unless you want me to, if so say in the comments. But besides all of them Bully posts, I want to write about another one of my favourite games, Minecraft. Yes, a little Sandbox game by a Swedish Game Company, Mojang. So, here are the top 5 maps for Minecraft!

5) Skyblock

Who can ever forget this classic Survival Map? It has over 40,000,000 downloads! It may look like nothing, but if you have a creative Minecraft mind then it's everything. One tree is classic, but this was one of the first few maps with the tools to create a cobblestone Generator. Such simple ideas are amazing for maps, and this proves maps don't need to be complicated to be fun! To show you how creative you can be with Skyblock  here is a picture of somebody else on their Skyblock Island:

4) Zombie Apocalypse

Hypixel... well, what can you say? He is a Minecraft Map Making Legend. He has 31 maps, each made with care and effort. But this one, his second newest, is epic. Who doesn't love running around a Hypixel made city and killing Ghasts, Spiders, Zombies and other things? And Hypixel doesn't just spawn zombies, he even puts effort into THAT, giving them weapons and armour. Amazing!

3) Pile Of Bodies

Sethbling is an amazing redstoner, but also an equally good map maker. Who thought he could make a map out of, literally, a pile of bodies? And to be creative he added things inside certain peoples heads! In Caveman Films there's a cave with a club inside a chest (enchanted bone), in Sethbling there's the pointless machine, inside Dinnerbones a tiny Dinnerbones zombie NPC, it is just so well done and fun. 

2) Minerim

Skyrim, Minecraft, who cares which is better? Now there is an actually decent map for it in Minecraft! It is just like Skyrim - Quests, hire people, guards, banks, fighting, potions, it is amazing. Just like Skyrim aswell, and I love the name - Minerim. How creative? I mean, Skycraft sounds cool, but that sounds like Skyblock stuff. 

1) Herobrine's Mansion

Hypixel again, taking the no.1 spot. Now, there are tons and tons of good maps I could chose, like Survival Island or anything like that, but this one is great. I cant choose Wrath of The Fallen, because that ones too similar and Herobrine's Mansion has way better Boss Battles. The Scenery, quests, and other features makes this a great map. And, what can you expect from a great mapmaker like Hypixel? 

Answer: Great maps.