
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Mari0 - Mario from 1985 with Portal Guns!

NES 1985 Mario Bros + Portal = Awesome!

So, the classical NES game, Super Mario Bros, was epic. And it was actually half decent and fun, so for an NES game this was the bomb. Anyway, downloaded a flash version of Super Mario Bros from the 80's, and added Portal guns naming it Mari0. Mari0, not Mario. Imagine getting revenge on goombas on that famous 1-1 World level - with portals. It was amazing!

So once you download it with Win-RAR or whatever file opener you use, load it up - and you can do any level listed, even download some from online! So the ton there are Some DLS levels and the other ones being that first world of Mario, and a Portal map made by the creator. Isn't it amusing running around in Mario version portal with a portal gun, portal map, and portal blocks! So the 1-1 world is just like in the game but with a portal gun, and the Portal map is a bunch of test chambers like in Portal.

You can also play up to 4 players. Next thing is level editor, which is fun because of all the features it has like go down pipes, use Lazers, outsmart hammer bros with portals, create your own Mario portal maps, it goes on and on the list. Even wire Wi-Fi sort of stuff to make buttons activate things of your choice, which is epic because you wouldn't expect that.

Also you can, as I found out, even title and describe your levels, then if you know how publish them online and let people download them! Pretty cool, isn't it? So the DLS levels are I think, um, community made levels? No idea. But you can play them for yourself. So that's cool. I'll provide a download link at the end of this post.

Okay, you may not expect much from Mari0 because the download site looks basic and because it's free you think it might not have any fun in playing it, but that is just a lie. Mari0 is fun and creative, and I like how somebody actually downloaded the original game, added levels and portal stuff, then bam! Made it PC version. I'm thinking...

Possibly this could have a story to it, like a video game, and be sold as a game for Wii, DS, PS3 and Xbox 360 and Xbox Live? 

Picture of Portal Level:

Picture of other one:

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