
Monday 4 March 2013

Top 5 Maps for Minecraft

Sheesh, I need to stop with so much Bully posts...

Okay, I am not going to write about Bully Scholarship Edition so much, unless you want me to, if so say in the comments. But besides all of them Bully posts, I want to write about another one of my favourite games, Minecraft. Yes, a little Sandbox game by a Swedish Game Company, Mojang. So, here are the top 5 maps for Minecraft!

5) Skyblock

Who can ever forget this classic Survival Map? It has over 40,000,000 downloads! It may look like nothing, but if you have a creative Minecraft mind then it's everything. One tree is classic, but this was one of the first few maps with the tools to create a cobblestone Generator. Such simple ideas are amazing for maps, and this proves maps don't need to be complicated to be fun! To show you how creative you can be with Skyblock  here is a picture of somebody else on their Skyblock Island:

4) Zombie Apocalypse

Hypixel... well, what can you say? He is a Minecraft Map Making Legend. He has 31 maps, each made with care and effort. But this one, his second newest, is epic. Who doesn't love running around a Hypixel made city and killing Ghasts, Spiders, Zombies and other things? And Hypixel doesn't just spawn zombies, he even puts effort into THAT, giving them weapons and armour. Amazing!

3) Pile Of Bodies

Sethbling is an amazing redstoner, but also an equally good map maker. Who thought he could make a map out of, literally, a pile of bodies? And to be creative he added things inside certain peoples heads! In Caveman Films there's a cave with a club inside a chest (enchanted bone), in Sethbling there's the pointless machine, inside Dinnerbones a tiny Dinnerbones zombie NPC, it is just so well done and fun. 

2) Minerim

Skyrim, Minecraft, who cares which is better? Now there is an actually decent map for it in Minecraft! It is just like Skyrim - Quests, hire people, guards, banks, fighting, potions, it is amazing. Just like Skyrim aswell, and I love the name - Minerim. How creative? I mean, Skycraft sounds cool, but that sounds like Skyblock stuff. 

1) Herobrine's Mansion

Hypixel again, taking the no.1 spot. Now, there are tons and tons of good maps I could chose, like Survival Island or anything like that, but this one is great. I cant choose Wrath of The Fallen, because that ones too similar and Herobrine's Mansion has way better Boss Battles. The Scenery, quests, and other features makes this a great map. And, what can you expect from a great mapmaker like Hypixel? 

Answer: Great maps.

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