
Monday 11 February 2013

10 best games of all time 1990-2013

Time to look back...

This Blog... well. Started few days ago and got so many views... thanks guys! So for a treat, lets look at the best games from 1990-2013. These are my opinions but you'll probably agree on most of these choices. Le us begin! 10 isn't worst and 1 best, but these are just at random. These are only games I have played or have high knowledge about - sorry Legend of Zelda Fans!

10) Half life 2

This game just blew my mind. Such a simple game about zombies and aliens into such an epic series - just wow. But hl2 has to be the series' best. I mean, you go from fleeing from police, finding Striders, to killing them with a crowbar! Gordon has to be the best character from valve of all time, his appearance  attitude, I mean he's one hell of a guy.

9) Left 4 Dead series

Who thought when Zombies were overused, such a great game popped up out of nowhere? Tanks, Boomers, everything is creative. Like types of zombies and names for them out of pure mind. The simplicity and audio as well just makes it a must-have. So even you COD fan boys out there, go to Amazon and order this! Or Steam (which I 3>)

8) Team Fortress 2

Does Valve ever stop great games? Nope, which is amazing. The whole game is hilarious - from a Russian heavy who is obsessed with sandwiches to a scout who drinks Bonk all day. And the weapons are great, as well as the Idea. But this game is Valve at it's purest. Go down to steam and get it for free!

7) Portal

"Now your thinking with portals" is the best quote from Valve. VALVE WHY U OBSESSED WITH GOOD GAME MAKING? Not complaining though. The idea of jumping from one hole to another with teleportation, having a west-English accented Core following you and that - that damn cake! GLaDOS is such a moron she gets turned into a potato - POtaTOS!

6) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Go on youtube. Search Skyrim Parody. Be amazed. Just the idea of flinging gaurds about by yelled Fus Ro Dah and then buying a house in Whiterun with a creepy slave who nibbles on bread for until death. This game is the best Elder Scrolls and sparked more parodies than Arena, Oblivion and the other games. Congrats, Dovahkin.

5) Garry's Mod

Since when did making people kick themselves in the head become stupid? With making Machnima videos to making zombies howl at a banana, this is one of the best Steam Sandbox games you will ever come across, so don't miss your chance to get it. Hate head crabs from half Life 2 killing you? THEN SHOVE THEM OFF A FLAT!

4) Amnesia: The Dark Descents

Okay, so you just bought the game, grab some oil and find a Gatherer. Another player? Hi could you help- ARGH! And you die. Not necessarily scary, but the most fun horror-themed game ever. I mean, what horror game could be better than running from zombies inside a haunted castle? Nothing! This game has only one problem - a sanity meter. BOY DO I HATE THEM THINGS!

3) Minecraft

The only game where you can go to Hell and beat a zombie pig to death - RIDING A PIG. Mojang released the classic Indie game Minecraft on November 2009, which was an instant hit. From surviving to Building a spinning balloon this is a classic. WELL DONE NOTCH! Who would of thought a great game from a fat Swedish man?

2) Bully: Scholarship Edition

When has beating the crap out of crazy people who tie headmasters up become boring? Rock star has really worked on this one, and it needs more players. IT DOES! You are new in a boarding school with morons - you must fight every leader of the gangs/cliques like Preps who are Snobs, Nerds, Bullies and Jocks. Each boss fight is unique in it's own way.

1) Call of Duty: World at War

Wait, you come back here and read this! Yeah, apart from it's screaming 12 year old fans and witty moments, the games were OK. When it was shoot shoot shoot and nothing else, it was crap. But when the scripting was great and the story-line was good, it made a good FPS. World at War was the best, but I haven't played the one where Captain Shepard kills you!

Notice in every COD you die? MW4: Radiation, then Shepard, boy is war tough. So yeah, that was my top 10 games 1990-2013!

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