
Saturday 20 April 2013

Pewds TheSecond shouldn't be on YouTube.

Sorry for that blury image, but that's his profile picture.

So theres this scumbag on YouTube who is going around, doing barely any videos and hating on actually good youtubers because guess what, he's another seven year old who can't take criticizm without setting off WW3 between him vs ImGeekins fans (I'll explain why.) Normally I would say I'm sorry for being gone, blah blah but screw that, lets dive into hating this guy.

So you are wondering why he hates ImGeekins? Well forget I'm his 100th subscriber, but ImGeekins dosen't lie, and is right in saying this kid (Trust me, hes a kid, watch his latest video.) can't make a good YouTube channel out of copying a good and loved youtuber, Pewdiepie. But then, because hes's seven he made a video about ImGeekins.

But before I describe and outwit this idiot with logic, lets just discuss the video name. "ImGeekins suck it" Um... suck what? He has nothing to suck considering you have two subscribers and he has one hundred of them, each travelling to your videos to troll. So my friend, you can suck it. Which is why ImGeekins owned him with a response:

Forget the thumbnail because I'm sorry, thats how Pewds TheSecond looks I am afraid. And ImGeekins dosen't get paid so he has to choose some thumbnail. Yeah this is only a remix, but it's better than Pewds TheSecond's video -

As much as this unapealing image of PewdsTheSecond is, and would fit perfectly in a screamer video, I'm sorry but this is the actual video. Let the games begin as I start to outwit this absoloute, pompous indecent moron. The reason I'm not raging here is because, be mature, who would rant over some idiot who you've probably never heard of and will go down more hated than pspboy.

1) He says he can make good quality videos. Pfft, say that this this video of his that he recorded with a potato -

And where the hell is he, the Yogscast's hangout? His Robloxian looks like a drug dealer... terrible and unstylish. The classic Roblox noob looks better with glasses and ribbons.

2) He implys he can do anything. Oh shut up, it's a free country and all, but really, can anyone? Yes, but they pay the results of their actions. It's not ImGeekins fault you suck. You can't deal drugs, who the hell would get you them? You won't get yourself famous on YouTube, because - damn do I need to explain?

Also, see his recent history feed. Hating on every single damn video he gets his grubby hands on, and not taking any criticizm without being overly offended. I can take criticizm. And he also says he hates ImGeekins username, where I just say (sorry if you get offended)...

I thought doing it with video would just make it more easy to laugh at how pathetic this kid is. And I can take criticizm for my name, I don't care, here goes: I'm a nerd, I'm a lowlife and I don't have friends. These statments are entirley false but I'm trying to prove my point. Next thing about this kid is he says he makes good videos but dosen't upload them...

His argument is invalid.

Youtube is for uploading the content you make, not bragging about it. And hating others, going on and on whining is just dumb. Pewds TheSecond, I think I have had enough of you. Leave YouTube, and play something like Black Ops, the home of screaming seven year olds. Until then I will let Casey deal with you.

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